“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.”


I remember the moment in 2016 like it was yesterday. There I stood, completely overwhelmed by what my eyes were seeing and what my heart was feeling. I was standing on a street in the Philippines, and on both sides of the street as far as my eyes could see were bars, clubs, and brothels—each of them filled with hundreds of girls. Girls like me. Girls who had stories, and girls that smiled and cried. Girls who had hopes and dreams and who wondered if those dreams would ever be reality. I looked into these girls’ eyes. I saw life, and I saw pain. After witnessing all of this, I stood in the middle of the street, frozen in my body and in a daze. I was full of thoughts that felt both present and a million miles away. There were questions but no answers. Unbeknownst to me, the journey to answers would begin in a hallway around 2 AM that night. I knew I needed sleep but the night was sleepless. I was wrestling internally with all I had experienced just hours prior, things I had seen that I could not unsee. I was sad. I was angry. I was overwhelmed. There were so many girls, and I was just one girl.

As I ventured away from this scene, I could not shake the feeling that I needed to do something. I could not turn a blind eye. I thought back to something I had once boldly proclaimed while in a college class: “I will change the world.” Now, in a hallway halfway across the world, sitting with the reality of what I had seen, this statement seemed naïve and impossible. The hope and determination I had now seemed so far away, and in that moment, all I could do was sob. At some point, I had cried out all the tears in my body, and I was exhausted. I wish I could say that I had this major breakdown and breakthrough all in the same night, but that was not my reality. That night, I had no answers—only tears, exhaustion, and lots of questions.

It was not until days later that my answer was revealed, and it came in the form of this statement: “Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone”.

This statement was shared by a speaker and leader, Andy Stanley, and his full statement was, “Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone, because if we all did for one what we wish we could do for everyone, it might change the world. But certainly, it would change one person’s world. It may even change your world.”

This concept landed on and penetrated my heart and soul the day I heard it. It made sense to me. After all, I had been that one at times, and I knew the profound impact of doing for one. I knew personally that if you were that ONE, it really mattered. So, I decided to integrate it as my own, to really live by this idea that maybe I could not feed everyone but I could feed one. Maybe I could not show up for everyone, but I could for one. Maybe I could not go to every refugee camp, but I could go to one. Maybe I could not give to everyone’s fundraiser, but I could give to one. Maybe I can not help every girl on a one-mile street on another continent, but I can support one organization that continually shows up for these girls. Maybe I cannot directly help everyone but I can help those that walk through these doors.

Below is an opportunity if you would like to also join me in doing for one what you wish you could do for everyone. If you would like to give to help cover the cost of therapy for someone who at this time is unable to afford services, you can click “do for one” below.

I am committed to always helping the ONE and I invite you to come along with me in that journey.

To give simply click on the button below.

Do For One